Timeline & Notices

An approximate construction timeline and notices will be published here.

Construction Scope & Timeline

Construction is expected to last approximately 18 months and will cover the following:

Seismic upgrades | Remodeled units | New and remodeled community spaces | New and remodeled staff offices

Construction Mobilization:
Feb - Mar 2022

Work hours are generally between 8am and 3:30pm. All construction personnel will follow BBI COVID protocol.

Room Renovations:
Begins Spring 2022 

Work will begin in vacant units and occur through 4 phases. Each phase is expected to take 3-4 months.

Lobby & Community Spaces:
Jan - Aug 2023

New mailboxes, ADA-compliant bathrooms, a remodeled dining room, new staff offices, and a commercial kitchen will be added.

Notices & Related Documents

Notices and documents relevant for residents will be posted here.

Preparing for Construction: A Presentation for Tenants of The Granada

See the construction plan in detail.

See the Plan

Notice and Update from Pati Boyle, Temporary Move Coordinator: Jan 13, 2022

Read the letter.

Read the Update

The Granada | Episcopal Community Services

1000 Sutter St
San Francisco, CA, 94109