Frequently Asked Questions

Since purchasing the Granada Hotel in November 2020, ECS Housing Corporation has been working to finalize plans to rehabilitate the property. Permits are now in place, and construction will begin in late January of 2022.

Small group resident meetings to discuss the project have been postponed due to the current Omicron fueled COVID surge. While we wait to safely gather in-person, we encourage residents to review this website and this FAQ. Updates about construction progress will be uploaded periodically to keep the community informed. There will also be a whiteboard in the lobby that provides weekly updates on construction progress.

Please contact us or reach out to our support services staff if you have more questions.


What will the renovation include?

The Granada scope of work includes improvements to resident rooms, community spaces, staff offices, laundry facilities and a seismic retrofit of the building. Work will begin in late January 2022 in the basement and move up to vacant rooms scattered throughout the property in the Spring of 2022. In the Fall of 2022, work will begin on occupied units.

When will the renovations begin?

The current plan is to begin work in late January 2022.

How long will construction last?

Construction is expected to last approximately 18 months.

What changes are planned for the basement?

Work will begin in the basement and work up the building from there. Once the seismic strengthening work is complete, the area will include:

• Tenant Laundry Room
• Nurses Station
• Community Room
• Staff Conference Room
• Maintenance Shop & Storage
• Electrical System Upgrade

When will resident rooms be worked on?

In the Spring of 2022, work will begin in rooms that were not renovated when ECS Housing Corporation purchased the building. The work will be divided into four phases and each will take approximately 3-4 months to complete:

Phase 1 - 38 Rooms *
Phase 2 - 33 Rooms
Phase 3 – 22 Rooms
Phase 4 – 30 Rooms

*Work on vacant rooms will be first.

What other residential work is planned?

Work in this area is planned so begin in early 2023. Once complete, the area will include:

• New mailboxes
• Two ADA bathrooms
• Remodeled dining room
• Remodeled commercial kitchen
• New staff offices

What hours of the day will construction occur?

Contractors generally work between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM. With occasional exceptions, contractors will not work on weekends or holidays.

Will measures be taken to control the dust and other debris created by construction?

Yes. For example, dust enclosures and temporary barriers will be erected to separate the construction work from your path of travel.

Will there be water or power interruptions? How will those be handled?

From time to time, there may be a need to shut off water or power for short periods of time to complete a system upgrade. BBI will work closely with building staff so the community is provided adequate notice and support to residents.


Who will help me with the temporary move process?

ECS Housing Corporation has hired Pati Boyle (415-722-3584 or [email protected]) to act as the liaison between residents, general contractor, and owner in all areas concerning moving, including coordinating on-site resident moves. Ms. Boyle and her team have experience moving seniors and families and will work closely with you to make the transition as smooth as possible.

How long will it take to finish the work in the rooms that will be renovated?

Work will take approximately 3 - 4 months.

Where will I live while my unit is renovated?

Residents will move temporarily within the building to a renovated room. If you prefer to move one time and stay in a newly renovated room, you are welcome to do so. If you do not elect to stay permanently, you will move back home when work is complete, which is expected to be 3-4 months.

Who will pay for my move?

ECS Housing Corporation will pay for all aspects of your move, including hiring a professional moving company.

Will boxes be provided?

Yes, ECS Housing Corporation will provide moving supplies, such as boxes and tape, free of charge.

What if I am unable to pack my belongings?

If you are unable to pack your belongings, ECS Housing Corporation will arrange and pay for packing assistance. 

Will I have to move everything from my room, or can I just take a few items?

You must take all personal belongings with you. It is important that your room is completely empty, in order to complete the work efficiently and to prevent any damage to your belongings.

If I have phone service in my current unit, who will pay for the service transfer?

ECS Housing Corporation will pay to transfer for your internet service to and from your temporary unit.

If I have cable in my current unit, who will pay for the service transfer?

ECS Housing Corporation will pay to transfer for your cable service to and from your temporary unit.

If I have internet service, who will pay for the service transfer?

ECS Housing Corporation will pay to transfer for your internet service to and from your temporary unit.

What is the General Information/Notice of Non-Displacement Notice?

This notice is the first written notice that advises persons who may be temporarily relocated of their general rights to temporary relocation assistance, the general types of assistance they may receive, and who is available to help them through the temporary relocation process.

What if I disagree or have concerns that I may not be receiving the temporary relocation assistance I should receive?

All relocation assistance will be put in writing to you through multiple notifications including the General Information Notice, 30-Notice, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). If you have questions, please contact Pati Boyle (415-722-3584 or [email protected]) to discuss. If you believe that there is assistance that you are not being offered, please first communicate with Pati so she can assist with resolving your concern. If, after speaking with her, you still feel your concerns are not being addressed, you may submit an appeal in writing to: Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), located at 2020 West El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95833.


Will my rent increase after the completion of construction?

No. Your rent will not change as a result of construction; you will continue to pay the same amount to Caritas Management Corporation (CMC).

How will maintenance requests be handled during construction?

Caritas Management Corporation (CMC) will continue to handle routine repairs through the work order system. This will not change during construction.

What about Pest Control service?

Monthly pest control service will continue as usual throughout construction.

What can I do when the work is noisy?

ECS Housing Corporation will offer noise cancelling headphones to all residents.

What can I do when I need a break from the building during construction work?

Support Services is aware that construction will impact residents in different ways and at different points in the project. We are here to listen to you concerns and help come up with solutions. A few options include:

• Providing lists of free events and activities
• Referrals to adult day health programs
• Hosted field trips to local events, including food and transportation*

*Availability of these activities are subject to public health guidelines and pandemic conditions.

The Granada | Episcopal Community Services

1000 Sutter St
San Francisco, CA, 94109